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Masters' Competition


BE Circuit

Find Badminton England sanctioned masters' tournaments starting from over 35s

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West of England Masters

Sat 16 - Sun 17 November 2024

Events WD, OD, XD. Age groups O35 - O75 inclusive. 

Masters County

Avon, as a county, enters teams in the Masters competition run by Badminton
England. This competition is open to all players who are 38 or over.
To make things fairer the competition is divided into age groups – over 40s
(which strangely enough includes O38s), over 45s, over 50s, over 55s, over 60s, over 65s, over 70s and over 75s. 

Avon enters teams in most of these age groups with a team consisting of 4
ladies and 4 men up to and including the O60s, for the over 65s and 70s  it consists of         3 ladies and 3 men and for the O75s 2 ladies and 2 men.

We play against other counties in the South West (usually on a Sunday
afternoon) and each player in the team gets to play 2 level doubles and 1 mixed
doubles and for the O75s that is 1 level doubles and 2 mixed doubles. Typically, each team would play between 5 and 7 matches in a season.

               We are always looking for new players in all age groups but
especially in the younger age groups. We are not looking for superstars (but if
you are one we would love to have you!!) but reasonable standard club players
and you don’t necessarily have to play all matches (we all have various commitments and can’t always make every match).

Players come from a whole range of clubs and, to give you an idea, below is a list of clubs that currently have players playing in our teams:
Chew Park Keynsham, Severn Vale, Raysfield, Chew Valley, Beaufort, PillKats, RWP, Holly Lane, Fry's, St Lukes, Frampton Cotterell, Bishop Road, Bristol & District, St Ursula's, Clevedon Feathers, Academy, Kingsdown Ladies, and Wyvern.

This is one of the opportunities you get for your affiliation to Avon Badminton
Association so
if you have any interest at all please contact me at  as soon as possible
for more information.
To those of you that already play for us, I look forward to seeing you at the start of the season.
Bob Hammersley
Avon Masters Coordinator

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